
Not sure how the +autorole command works? Then you've come to the right place! You'll find everything you need down below.


The +autorole command is for letting the bot add roles to users or bots when they join, or when members use +getrole.
Before we begin, here are some important notes:

  • Vexera's highest role must be above the role it is trying to assign!
  • The role you are trying to automate already needs to exist on your server!

Add an autorole

Basic command: +autorole add <type> <role>.

New server member joins the server (join)

To give users who join the server the Members role, use +autorole add join Members.

New bot joins the server (bot)

To assign the Bots role to bots when they join, use +autorole add bot Bots.

A member executes +getrole (get)

To let users get the User role by typing +getrole User, use +autorole add get User.

Remove an autorole

Basic command: +autorole remove <Yype> <Role>.
To remove any autorole, you basically just have to replace add with remove. Do not forget the type (join, bot, get)!

New server member joins the server (join)

To remove the autorole for users who join the server (in this example, the Members role), use +autorole remove join Members.

New bot joins the server (bot)

To remove the autorole for bots who join the server (in this example, the Bots role), use +autorole remove bot Bots.

A member executes +getrole (get)

To remove the autorole for members who use +getrole (in this example, the User role), use +autorole remove get User.

List all active autoroles

You can see all active autoroles with the +autorole list command.